Everyday Adventure in Bradford.
We are a co-educational movement who help young people in the UK enjoy new adventures; to experience the outdoors, interact with others, gain confidence and have the opportunity to reach their full potential. And it’s not just young people who can get in on the action. Working alongside our youth members we have adult volunteers, who provide a huge variety of roles and opportunities.We currently have 12 groups who meet in different locations across the city: Thornton, Fairweather Green, Allerton, Heaton, Bierley, Eccleshill, Undercliffe, Bolton Road. We are working on developing provision across the area, focusing on many deprived areas within the city.Our District comprises a total of 400 young people with 111 voluntary leaders.Beaver Scouts 6 – 7 ½ year oldsActivities are based around making things, outdoor activities, singing, playing games, going out on visits, investigating nature, listening to stories, learning to be safe & more importantly making new friends.Cub Scouts 7 ½ – 10 ½ year oldsGet a chance to try lots of different activities like swimming, music, exploring, computing and collecting. They also get to go on trips & days out, to places like zoo, theme parks or a farm. Cubs will be able to go camping take part in all kinds of outdoor activities.Scouts 10 ½ – 14 year oldsOutdoor is important, and half the programme is given over to taking part in traditional scouting skills, such as camping, survival and cooking, as well as a wider spectrum of adventurous activities, from abseiling to zorbing.Explorers 14 – 18 year oldsThere is a wide range of badges and awards available to young people in the Explorer Section. Many of the badges available are activity badges, which represent the pinnacle of achievement in a particular field. Whether their interests lie in Hill Walking or Performing Arts, Aviation or Public Relations, Explorers are rewarded both for developing existing strengths and undertaking new ventures.We contribute to the development of young people in our care with each section meeting weekly. Programs are planned covering a variety of zones including: outdoor and adventure; fitness; creative expression; global; beliefs and attitudes.
Contact Details Contact Name: Wendy Flatters Position: District Commissioner Email: dc@bradfordnorthscouts.org.uk Telephone 0300 102 1536
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