Bradford North – Annual General Meeting

Below is our Annual General Meeting’s Minutes, Finance Reports and Application Information

Joining the Board of Trustee is an opportunity to make a real difference to the the young people’s lives within Bradford North.

We are welcoming nominations for Appointed Members of the Bradford North Trustee board. Please Fill in the Nomination Form below to apply.

The District Trustee Board comprises as follows:

The Ex-Officio Members of the District Trustee Board are the District Lead Volunteer, and District Youth Lead.

Appointed Members: Four – Six elected members will be nominated and elected by the council to serve for a one to three year term, this includes the Chair and Treasurer 3 year Term. Candidates must be members of the council to be nominated. Candidates must be over the age of 18 at the formal nomination date. Candidates must be nominated and seconded by other members of Council and will serve for three year. One of the Appointed members will be a Youth member aged between 18yrs & 25yrs

Co-opted Members: Up to two members who are co-opted based on their skills and expertise by the District Trustee Board for a specified period

Appointed Members and Appointed Youth Members and ex-officio members act as Trustees for Bradford North District Scouts. Trustees are not elected to ‘represent’ a particular Group or unit. All Members of the District Trustee Board must undertake the relevant training modules including Trustee, GDPR, Safeguarding, Safety and Module 1 they must also hold a valid DBS and meet the requirements of the charities commission. The candidate declaration form can be seen on form A.

Nominations are taking place for Appointed Positions on the District Trustee Board (1-3 year term of office).
Nominations must be submitted to the District Secretary by 28th June 2024 by email If more nominations are received than posts then a vote prior to the AGM will be held.

Forms can be emailed to or by post to an address on request.

If you have any issues or queries please email Robynne at

Annual General Meeting 2023

Annual General Meeting 2022

Annual General Meeting 2021

Annual General Meeting 2020

Annual General Meetings