All Leader’s are invited to our Annual General Meeting and BBQ to celebrate the past 12 months in Bradford North!
We have seen some fantastic Scouting happening over the past 12 months and I would like to share the celebration with you all!
We have a BBQ which our Executive Committee are putting on as a Thank you to Everyone for all your hard work and to celebrate your continued success in delivering a fantastic Scouting Provision for our Young People!
Additional to the BBQ – We will have a Quiz and Raffle.
During the evening we will also be looking into the future of Scouting in Bradford North. We have some fantastic Events and Activities coming up for the next year.
I hope to see you there
Nat Howard
District Commissioner
did i miss it. When, where ,time ?
Sorry I won’t be able to attend. Will be at work due to BBC coming in to film.