Bradford North District Scouts is proud to announce NorJAm ’18 – a traditional scouting Jamboree experience for our next generation of Scouts.
NorJam ’18 will take place under canvas in May 2018 at a top secret location. All of those taking pat will arrive in a field with everything they need for the camp. Except for the hole in ground. Somebody will need to dig that.
On arrival each scout will be allocated a patrol. Each patrol will be responsible for putting up their own tents and will have different challenges each day. These challenges will include building shelters, hiking, rafting, fire building, cooking and erm, did we mention the hole?
For this first event places are only available to Scouts and Explorer groups. Cost are to be confirmed, but will include central catering. umber are likely to be limited, so if your group is interested in attending Norjam ’18 please email us at
Is this the same Norjam ran by Norfolk County every 4 years ?
No – it’s a new venture by Bradford North Scouts, and will be held at a site in North Yorkshire. We thought the other one had finished some time ago?